Streaming Video For Under $100

New or Existing Video: We offer the service of transferring your pre-existing video into digital format for streaming (instant viewing) on the web or onto CD-ROM. Our encoding department has the capability to convert your video or pictures into rich media presentation for the internet/intranet. Transfer to CD-ROM, in combination with your laptop, provides a powerful tool for your sales force in demonstrating your product/services.

Fast - Easy - Affordable

When you choose Tinker Graphics to prepare your streaming video, you'll be guaranteed to gain all of the benefits of streaming video without any of the headaches or heavy expense. We make adding streaming video to your website far easier than you ever thought possible.

Fast Service - Video conversions are usually performed within 2 to 3 business days.

Easy to Understand - You provide us with your presentation on a VHS or S-VHS or Hi8 video tape and we do the rest. Because we provide you with everything you'll need, adding streaming video to your website is as easy as pasting a new GIF or JPEG into your pages. You won't need to learn anything about streaming video at all. We can also host your video(s) on our servers if needed!

Affordable - The cost to produce up to 5 minutes of continous streaming web video is $89. Each additional finished minute of video is charged at $10. If needed, video hosting service ranges from $5 (50 megs) to $20 (250 megs) per month depending on the disc spaced used. Please contact us for exact quotes.

Choice of Formats - Video can encoded in your choice of the following formats: Flash (.fla), Real Media (.rm), Quick Time (.mov), Video for Windows (.avi) or Windows Media Video (.wmv).

Examples of streaming video: - Has a Flash video of their TV commercial.

Others: Birthday - Mayor - Marching Band - Honored Guests - Cutting Ceremony

You may need the Free RealOne Player to view these videos





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Tinker Graphics / IPP Services
112-A W. New York Ave.
DeLand, Florida 32720