Engine SubmissionService
Developing the greatest web site in the world is worthless
unless people can find it. To ensure your web site gets
the necessary exposure, we include FREE with your account
the ability to submit
to 12 major search engines (see list below). Customers
will be able to navigate directly to your web pages from
prominent Internet Keyword links in search engines without
having to know your URL address with its http and www letters.
For proper indexing by the search engines its important
each of your HTML pages has a set of properly formatted
Meta Tags. Click here for more
info on Search Engines.
We offer
this Promotion Package specially priced @ only $75/year
for unlimited submissions to 100 Internet search
engines (see list below) plus FREE access to all the
performance enhancing features of the HTML ToolBox (package
normally retailed at $89.95 per year).