Video / Audio - Video on the Internet
is possible with streaming video and/or can be downloaded
from your site by visitors and played in full motion full
screen color right on their computer. With this in mind, we
have designed our hosting
service accounts to accommodate healthy amounts of all
kinds of media files.
Graphics offers multimedia solutions for your web site by
developing add-ons such as streaming
video and audio. We can also integrate flash into your
site - technology that surpasses typical animation. The multimedia
dimension is quickly becoming the wave of the future!
More Info >>
Flash Animation - Macromedia
Flash is the key to designing and delivering low-bandwidth
animations, presentations, and Web sites. It offers scripting
capabilities and server-side connectivity for creating engaging
applications, Web interfaces, and training courses. Flash
fuses the precision and flexibility of vector graphics with
bitmaps, audio, animation, and advanced interactivity to create
brilliant and effective Web experiences that attract and engage
- More Info >>
Graphics - We can provide sharp, camera ready designs
and illustrations for logos, products, advertisements, websites
and presentations. If you would like to talk to us about our
creative services for your company, store or retail outlet
please contact us. - More
Info >>
- Since 1994, Tinker Graphics & Promotions has been providing
custom graphic illustration services to several companies
from Florida to California. Some of the products that we have
created art for currently are or have been sold at Walt Disney
World, Universal Studios, Ripley's Believe It or Not, WonderWorks,
The Daytona Speedway, various giftshops across the country
and even overseas in Europe and Japan. -
More Info >>
Photography / Photo Editing - We are often involved with
the photography that is is used in our WebPage & Site
layouts as well as in our desktop publishing projects. We
also have the ability to digitally edit photos either for
corrective or enhancement reasons.
Please contact us about pricing.
Java, JavaScript, CGIs, Perl... etc. - From Shopping Cart
Systems to Classified Ad Programs, If your web site needs
to perform specific functions then you may need a script or
program to help. Typically, scripts like the ones mentioned
above can help with such functions as: Background Effects,
Buttons, Calculators, Calendars, Clocks, Converters, Forms,
Games, Generators, Image Effects, Messages, Miscellaneous,
Navigation, Page Information, Redirection, Searching, Security,
User Information, Windows and XML to mention a few.
Please contact us about pricing.